Wednesday 2 August 2017

Dietary treatment of atopic eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that is linked to the immune system and certain other things like diet, stress and climatic conditions. Yet the main triggers are often thought to be dietary. Eggs, soy, nuts, glutens, processed foods and milk are some common triggers that may cause eczema to flare up. A healthy food that is rich in fruits and vegetables should be consumed by people who are suffering from eczema. Eczema treatment with diet control will have a positive effect on the body.
Since the eczema break-out triggers are different for every individual, it is essential to keep note on all the food products that trigger the condition. The two biggest culprits are sugary food and dairy products. It will take a  month at a time to identify the foods that trigger the condition. It may even take several weeks or months to identify all them. Once the identified, it has to be removed completely from the diet.  Keeping a watch on each and every food that is eaten will help to identify what causes the flareup and eliminate them.

Dairy milk is a trigger for many individuals because of the process called homogenisation. Organic milk are not homogenised and can be used by patients suffering from eczema because the enzymes present in organic milk balances the lactose present in it which is the main source of the cause of the flare up  Avoiding raw milk other than Mothers to children under the age of 2 will also help prevent any eczema break outs. But it is very important to make sure that the child gets enough calcium from some other food source. Baby eczema is such a problem and can cause such distress to both the baby and the Mother and I would advise great care be taken with the feeding of the baby. If in doubt please seek expert advice and particularly that of eczema sufferers themselves.

Processed sugars sometimes may create problem to people because they contribute to the overgrowth of yeast in the body and the immune system will react with a eczema break-out. This problem can be reduced by taking a probiotic supplement and eating foods that contain live micro-organisms that will reduce the yeast in the body and helps improve digestion.

Apples, carrots, spirulina and dark green leafy vegetables are considered to have various health benefits for the skin. The vitamins present in carrot helps in the cell degeneration. Pectin and other antioxidants present in the apples prevent cell damage to the skin. If these diets are included in the daily meal, the eczema flare ups will be reduced considerably.  Spirulina is a sea protein which helps to protect the cells from inflammation and keeps it healthy. Dark green leafy vegetables are also very good for eczema sufferers. Foods that are rich in vitamins that are essential to the skin should be included in the daily diet. They include nuts, fish and foods rich in vitamin C.

Supplements like cod liver oil, mineral supplements and multivitamin supplements are very essential to reduce the damages caused by eczema. These supplements should be taken along with a healthy diet. Also drinking plenty of water cleanses the skin from inside out.
Gluten is found to be an eczema trigger which should be avoided to prevent flare-ups. Avoid overcooking of foods which removes or kills the vitamins and enzymes present in them. Majority of the diet should contain raw foods only.

Eczema treatment with diet control proves to be one of the effective methods in controlling eczema. All these however whilst may be of considerable help must be applied with care and if other treatments are being used with the help of your Physician then please do not stop them or at least seek advice

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