Tuesday 1 August 2017

At Home Remedies for Knee Pain

If you are having knees pain, don’t take it easy. It might be caused by one of two reasons either a disease or an injury. However, with age progressing to 45 years and above, people get prone to this disease. Other factors causing this disease include; stress degeneration of tissues, arthritis and obesity. If not treated properly it might take serious and severe condition, hence daily functioning will be effected badly.

A knee pain if ignored might lead you to serious problems. However, to relief the knee pain one has to adapt one of the two ways either go for medication or adapt few home remedies. It is advised to adapt few home remedies before going for medication.

The first home remedy adapted by most of the patient to relief the knee pain is to reduce their weight and join a gym for proper exercises to maintain body weight and shape. It helps relieving knee pain by preventing knees crushing under your increased weight.
 Buying a good pair of shoe that can provide support to your knees in pain, exercising to strengthen your muscles and tendons providing support to your knees can also help relief in knee pain.
Any lotion, which on applying heat might help you relief your pain by producing heat.
Several herbs like ginger, uncaria tomentosa, harpagophytum procumbens can also be used to relief the knee pain.
 A warm paste of castor seeds, turmeric and wheat if mixed with goat’s milk and applied on the affected area can help in reduction of pain.
 By applying warm mustard oil on affected knee can also bring a relief in knee pain. These home remedies are found helpful in reduction of knee pain and they have no or less side effects. So, it’s better to go for home remedies first before going to doctor for medication.

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