Sunday 27 August 2017

Massage for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain in soft tissue

Just about everybody knows what MUSCLES do. They are the structures in the body that move the joints, that flex and extend, that are strong and toned or flabby and weak. Muscles respond to the way they are treated.

FASCIA is a three-dimensional web of soft tissue that runs through every cell in the body. It forms continuous sheets of tissue that separate muscle compartments and also is part of the jelly-like ground mass of cells. When your body is injured, say your arm is badly cut, the muscles do repair themselves, though they may need to be strengthened, realigned, lenghthened and/or freed of scar tissue. Fascia, however, retains the "memory" of the trauma and may be wrenched into a twisted configuration by the injury.

SYNOVIAL JOINTS, the most common type of joint in the body, react to trauma and repetitive stresses with a thickening of the joint capsule, inflammation, or chronic irritation. Soft tissue massage, MET and myofascial release help release fascial torsion as well as mobilize dysfunctional muscles and joint capsules.

There are many, many sources of chronic soft tissue pain. Some sources are pathological, that is, caused by disease. Some sources are structural, that is, due to a malformation of bony structures in the body. Visceral inflammation or irritation can initiate muscle spasm. Other sources are injury; poor posture; overuse, disuse or static use of muscles; joint degeneration; emotional or psychological stresses; impinged nerves; muscle imbalances.

Massage techniques include many different modalities. The goal of most, if not all, massage is to relax the body and relieve stress. Massage for the body lifts the heart, mind and spirit. Techniques range from the indulgent, such as hot stones and sugar scrubs, to the painful manipulations of Rolfing.

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Osteoarthritis Symptoms, Natural Treatments and Remedies

Osteoarthritis is the commonest form of arthritis mainly seen in old aged people. This article mainly emphasizes on the major symptoms and natural treatments for osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis Symptoms 
1. Pain in the form of sharp ache or burning sensation
2. Inflexibility or stiffness of joint
3. Swelling
4. Crepitus or cracking noise while moving the affected joint.
5. Muscle spasm
6. Tendon contraction
7. The affected joint may appear larger than usual.
8. Tenderness at joints
9. Joint effusion due to accumulation of excess fluids within an affected joint.
10. Hard bony enlargements in smaller joints due to osteoarthritis.

Natural Treatments of Osteoarthritis 

Medications like Acetaminophen, nonsteroidal pain reducing drugs like aspirin, naproxen, ketoprofen, and ibuprofen are usually recommended for treating osteoarthritis. Glucosamine sulfate supplements are also being prescribed these days. Such supplements increase production of cartilage and have anti-inflammatory properties. If symptoms become too debilitating, one can also opt for joint replacement surgery. However apart from medication and surgery, it is also possible to manage osteoarthritis symptoms by changing life style and diet. Pain management can be done through several home based remedies. Here are some ways to tackle osteoarthritis naturally.

1. Regular exercise, yoga and breathing exercises are very necessary for osteoarthritis patients. Exercise not only reduces joint stiffness, but also strengthens muscles and promotes the growth of cartilages. Range of motion exercises and aerobics should be done by osteoarthritis patients. Breathing exercises relax mind and relieve stress. But high impact sports are to be shunned, for they will only cause further wearing out of damaged joints.

2. Massage therapy is very helpful to treat arthritis. Massaging should be done through smooth strokes and kneading. Massaging reduces muscle spasm and stiffness, improves blood circulation, and eliminates wastes like lactic acid from the joints. Rumatone Gold massage oil, Castor oil, olive oil, mustard oil or hot vinegar may be used for massaging ailing joints.

3. Sea bathing is effective for painful joints. The iodine rich sea water restores and regenerates damaged tissues.

4. Diet should be nutritious and should include antioxidants, Vitamin C, D and E, minerals like Calcium, omega3 fatty acids. Such a diet would keep bones strong and healthy. Thus oily fishes like tuna, salmons, herring, sardines, and mackerel are very useful for osteoarthritis patients. Patients should avoid consuming food items of the nightshade group such as potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers. Red meat is to be strictly avoided. Also orange juice should be avoided, for it acts as a stimulant for osteoarthritis pain. Food cooked in flaxseed oil is very helpful for osteoarthritis patients.

5. Herbal tea like that of alfalfa, ginger can relieve patients from swollen and painful joints.

6. The patient should keep the body weight in check by means of exercise and dieting.

7. Hot compress and warm wax application on the affected area may relieve pain.

Osteoarthritis - Understanding the basics

In clinical and medical terminology, the word "osteo" means "bone" and the suffix "itis" indicates inflammation.  Therefore, Osteoarthritis means "inflammation of the bones".  However, it is a disease which is much more severe than the simple explanation of "inflammation of the bones".  There are over 100 forms of arthritis, and Osteoarthritis is considered the most common arthritis among those living with arthritis.

What happens in osteoarthritis?
Each bone in the body is covered by a slippery tissue called cartilage. The cartilage is on the ends of the bone in a joint, which allows the healthy mobility of the joint.  Because osteoarthritis often affects the cartilage the top layer of the cartilage breaks down and is worn away.  The joint is no longer protected from the shock of movement and the bones under the cartilage begin to rub together causing loss of motion, swelling and pain of the joint.  With time, the shape of the joint may be lost.   Spurs may also begin to grow on the edges of the joint.  Bits of cartilage or bone can also break off into the joint space which increases pain and damage.
Osteoarthritis affects the joints only.  Patients suffering with osteoarthritis do not have the threat to their internal organs with the condition as with some forms of arthritis.  The disease occurs most often in the spine, hips, knees and hands.

Who is at risk?
Although young people can get osteoarthritis, it mostly occurs in older people.

What Causes Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is a condition that generally occurs over time.  Risk factors that may lead to the development of the disease include:
Stresses on the joints from certain jobs
Stresses on the joints from playing sports
A genetic defect in joint cartilage
Joint injury
Being Overweight

Osteoarthritis symptoms:
There are symptoms as well as warning signs of the disease which include:
A crunching sound or feeling when the bones rub together
Tenderness or swelling in one or more joints
Stiffness in a joint after getting out of bed or sitting for a long time

How Is Osteoarthritis Diagnosed?
There are several methods that physicians use to diagnose Osteoarthritis which include:
Taking a medical history of the patient
Performing a physical exam on the patient
Taking X rays
Taking exams of the fluid in the joints or blood tests and other various tests which will help to determine if the disease is present.
How is osteoarthritis treated?
A combination of treatments is often designed to fit the needs, health and lifestyle of the patient.  Treatment plans may include:
Complementary and alternative therapies (which includes herbal supplements like Provailen)
Nondrug pain relieve techniques to control pain
Rest and joint care
Weight control
Provailen is both an effective and safe method to treat and prevent attacks of osteoarthritis.  The herbal supplement is affordable and aids in controlling and curing almost all kinds of arthritis.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Stages of Pregnancy

Stages of Pregnancy

A typical pregnancy is usually 40 weeks long and is divided into three trimesters. Here is a detailed description of each of the stages of pregnancy, what happens to the mother and how the fetus develops into a baby during the 40 weeks of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstrual period till the day the baby is born.

First Trimester

The first trimester is from week one till week 12.

Initially the baby is an embryo from which the body parts organs will develop.

6 Weeks

At 6 Weeks, the lower jaw, tongue and vocal cords begin to develop. The hands and feet of the baby form like paddles with a web between the fingers and toes. At this stage the baby’s heartbeat is twice as fast as mother’s and the heart begins to divide and form left and right chambers.

2 Months

At 2 Months, the baby has grown into a size of a kidney bean. The baby consistently moves and has distinct slightly webbed fingers.

8 Weeks

At 8 Weeks, the nerve cells in the baby’s brain begin to branch out to connect to each other and form the neural pathways. The baby develops eyelids that are initially translucent. The baby also develops knees and the feet are now long enough to meet in front of his/her body whereas the hands are fixed at the wrist and meet over the heart. The fingers are slightly webbed but are still growing longer.

10 Weeks

At 10 Weeks, the baby’s Liver starts to make blood cells. The fingers are now web-less and start to grow finger nails. With the baby’s developing brain, the forehead bulges and starts to become prominent and the mother’s uterus has doubled in size from the size of a pear to the size of a grapefruit.

12 Weeks

At 12 Weeks, baby’s intestine start to settle into the abdominal cavity. Baby’s eyelids become less translucent and begin to move close together whereas the ears are now close to the final position on the sides of the head. At this stage, mother’s uterus starts to rise above the pelvic bones

Physical & Emotional Changes during First Trimester:

Early Pregnancy is quite a dramatic time for many women. The body changes frequently during the first trimester. A woman may face many signs of early pregnancy throughout the first trimester due to the hormonal changes going on in the woman’s body.

The early changes in a woman’s body that signify pregnancy show up in the first trimester. A missed period is the first sign that you are pregnant. The hormonal changes during this period will effect almost every organ of your body along with physical changes.

You may experience Fatigue, Sudden Tiredness, Swollen and tender Breasts, Nausea with or without vomiting, Dizziness, Cravings, Mood Swings and mixed emotions, Frequent Urination or Constipation.

To know about more about these changes see: Signs of Early Pregnancy.

The first Trimester can bring all sorts of conflict in emotions. The most important thing you may think is will this baby survive or will I miscarry. But generally in the first trimester, you may feel the realization that you are pregnant and what does this mean for you and its impact on your life.

It is very common for parents to feel extremely positive and a bit low. But if you are unable to drive yourself out of the dark period and feel it is becoming more negative and worse with time, you must seek help and talk to an expert.

Changes in the Woman’s Daily Routine:

Each pregnancy is different and even of you have been pregnant before, you may feel different with each subsequent pregnancy.  Some of the changes in the body may cause you revise your daily routine.

You may want to eat more frequent or smaller meals. You may also want to go to bed earlier than usual.

Tips for First Trimester:

If you are confirmed with pregnancy or looking forward to one, the first thing you should do is quit all unhealthy things, restrain from alcohol and smoking and eat healthy balanced diet. It is important for you to stay fit. If you are not an Olympic athlete, do not go out and become one during pregnancy but try to get some gentle walk or exercise two to three times a week. Remember that putting on a lot of weight during pregnancy can lead to complications and is even harder to lose after you have the baby.

The second trimester starts from week 13 till week 27.

3 Months

At 3 Months, the baby is 3 inches long and weighs around an ounce. Her tiny unique fingerprints are now in place.

14 Weeks

At 14 Weeks, the baby’s brain is now capable of sending impulses to the baby’s face and the face can now show expressions like squinting, frowning and grimace. The baby’s arms have are now long enough and will be in proportion to the body by the end of the week.

The baby is now starting to develop a fine layer of hair all over the body known as lanugo.

At this stage, the mother’s uterus starts to push against her belly.

4 Months

At 4 Months, the baby’s size has grown upto 5 inches long and weighs around 5 ounces. From now onwards, the baby’s skeleton will start to strengthen and will harden from rubbery cartilage to bones.

18 Weeks

At 18 Weeks, the baby will start to flex his/her arms and legs which is called “Kicking”.

20 Weeks

At 20 Weeks, the baby gets covered in a greasy white substance to protect the skin from amniotic fluid.

The top of mother’s uterus is now even with her belly button.

5 Months

At 5 Months, the baby is now more than 10 inches long and the eyebrows, eyelids and ears are in place.

22 Weeks

At 22 Weeks, the baby’s skin looks wrinkled until he/she gains enough weight to fill it in.

At this stage, the tooth buds form under the gums and baby’s eyes are fused shut while the eyes are developing under them. But, the baby has no eye color yet.

The mother’s belly button start to pop out.

24 Weeks

At 24 Weeks, baby’s taste buds begin to develop. Also, the lungs now start to develop ‘branches’ forming respitory tree.

6 Months

At 6 Months, the baby now weighs a pound a a half and the wrinkled skin starts to smooth out with weight gain and baby fat.

26 Weeks

At 26 Weeks, the baby’s respond to sound is growing more consistent.

If the woman is pregnant with a son, his testicles will begin to descend into his scrotum. This process will take 2 to 3 days.

The mother might experience backache due to the weight shift.

Physical & Emotional Changes during Second Trimester:

In the second Trimester, women are mostly focused on believing that they are actually having the baby.

The nausea and morning sickness that you were facing during the first trimester starts to ease off and may completely go away by this time. Also, the sense tiredness may also ease and you may feel much better. However, you will also notice more changes to your body. Most prominently, the baby bump will start to show and by the end of the second trimester, you will even be able to feel your baby move. Overall, this is the most healthy and wellest period in pregnancy. During this period, you will start to feel more pregnant and feel more into it.

Some of the physical changes that you may notice include

Back, abdomen or thigh aches or pains

Stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and breasts

Darkening of skin around the nippples

You will also notice a line running from belly button to public hair line.

You may develop patches of dark skin usually on the face

Numb or Tingling hands

Itching on abdomen, palms or soles of your feet.

Swelling of ankles, fingers and face.

The physical symptoms that you might need to go and seek help about are severe headaches, spots in front of the eyes, sudden and extreme swelling or bleeding. Other than that, all the light pains and aches that you may feel are usually quite normal.

Call your doctor if you have nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, yellowing of the skin or fatigue combined with itching. These may indicate a liver problem.

Third Trimester

The third and last trimester is from week 28 till birth.

28 Weeks

At 28 Weeks, the baby’s body gets covered in layers of fat in preparation for life outside. By this time the baby has developed eyelashes and will turn the head towards a content shining from outside the mother’s belly.

7 Months

At 7 Months, the baby has grown up to more than 15 inches long and weighs about 3 pounds. The baby is now capable of closing the eyes and following light.

30 Weeks

At 30 Weeks, the baby is now capable to distinguish between light and dark. The amniotic fluid keeps increasing until birth. The mother’s uterus also continues to grow in size and she may feel off balance.

32 Weeks

At 32 Weeks, the baby’s fingernails and toenails are fully grown. Some baby’s will have a full head of hair.

8 Months

At 8 Months, the baby weighs around 4 pounds and his/her lungs are fully developed. Baby’s layers of fat are filling in making the baby look rounder.

34 Weeks

At 34 Weeks, the baby is still gaining body fat that is crucial to regulate the body temperature at birth. 99% of the babies born at this stage can survive.

36 Weeks

At 36 Weeks, the baby is now at a head down position and is continuously dropping lower into the pelvis. The Braxton Hicks contractions may be more frequent now.

9 Months

At 9 Months, the average baby is now more than 19 inches lon and weighs around 7 pounds. The babies vary widely in size and weight at this stage.

38 Weeks

At 38 Weeks, the baby has developed a firm grip.

If the baby is born with brown eyes, they will most likely stay that color. Whereas, if the baby is born with blue or dark grey eyes, they may stay that color or change into hazel during the first year.

41 Weeks

At 41 Weeks, the amniotic fluid has now decreased and the baby’s skin starts to peel due to the long ‘bath’.

At this stage, the mother’s cervix starts to dilate and soften to prepare for childbirth.

Physical & Emotional Changes during Third Trimester:

During this final stage of pregnancy, the discomforts that you might have experienced during the second trimester will likely continue alongwith some new ones.

As the baby grows longer, it pushes against your belly and puts pressure on your internal organs. As a result, you may find your self short of breath and experience difficulty breathing as well as you may also want to urinate more frequently.

You may also experience physical changes like

Swollen ankles, fingers and face


Tender breast with watery pre-milk secretions from the nipples

Contractions that can be a sign of real or false labor

You may also experience heartburn or difficulty sleeping

The movement of the baby is very important and we now know that the best judge is the mother. If your baby is moving actively and suddenly you feel that it has start to move a lot lesser, you should never ignore it and ask your health professional. your baby’s movements are the best indicator that your baby is well.

Teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy rate is still high in most industrialized countries. According to the statistics, 85% of these pregnancies are unplanned. Most teenage girls do not plan to get pregnant, but some do. Teenage pregnancy carries extra health risks to both mother and the baby.

Prenatal Care

In most cases, teens do not get prenatal care in time that can result in complications later on. They have a higher risk of pregnancy-related high blood pressure and its complications.

Delaying prenatal care is one of the biggest risks during teenage pregnancy. This delay is usually because of factors including fear of telling others, denial or delayed pregnancy test.

As far as the baby is concerned, it is at risk of premature birth and low birth weight.

Nutritional Support

Getting proper nutritional counseling is a very crucial part of prenatal care where teens are guided through the prenatal vitamins, supplements and the foods that are to be taken and that are needed to be avoided.

Ignoring proper nutrition can lead certain health risks including weight loss, Anemia (caused due to iron deficiencies) or low birth weight.

Teenage Pregnancy Tips:

If you are a pregnant teen, here are some tips to help yourself and your baby.

Get proper prenatal care

Take prenatal vitamins to keep yourself healthy and to prevent birth defects for the baby. Because your body is still growing, you will need more nutritional care.

Restrain from Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs. None of these should be taken during pregnancy as they are highly dangerous and can increase health risks for both you and the baby.

Despite of the fact that teen pregnancies are often stressful and teen mothers worry about how their families are going to react, acceptance, etc, teen mothers are completely capable of healthy pregnancy and delivering a healthy baby provided proper nutritional care, prenatal care and screening has been received. It is very important that they families support the young parents at the time when they are already facing many hardships.

Teenage Pregnancy Risks:

Teenage pregnancy comes with its own risks. Here is a list of the most common risk factors during teen pregnancy.

  1. Smoking
  2. Alcohol or Drug Abuse
  3. Poor knowledge about sex
  4. Lack of knowledge about contraception
  5. Sex at young age
  6. Sexual Abuse
  7. Low self esteem
  8. Lack of communication with the parents
  9. Poor performance at school

Along with the above mentioned individual risks, some social and family risk factors that also play a role include dating at early age, dating older guys, sexually active friends, peer-pressure to have sex, poor or negative parental supervision, poor parental communication, family conflicts and teenage pregnancies in the family.

The most effective way to avoid teenage pregnancy is to provide good knowledge about sex, contraception and teenage pregnancy related complications to the teen and keep them well informed.

Early Signs of Pregnancy

Although, pregnancy has its early signs and symptoms however, the early signs of pregnancy especially during the first two weeks can be confusing.

According to the pregnancy calendar, the first two weeks starting from your last menstrual period till ovulation and fertilization.

Here are the early signs in the first two weeks after conception that may indicate that you are pregnant. These signs usually subside throughout the first trimester of pregnancy and vary from woman to woman.

Remember that the early signs that you may experience vary depending on whether you are trying to conceive or not. Women who are not trying to conceive may experience anxiety or stress whereas, those women who are trying to conceive will feel excited and cautious.

The early signs show due to the hormonal changes taking place in the woman’s body after conception. Some women may feel the signs within a day or two after conception while some might as long as a week to 3 weeks to feel the signs. The most reliable and accurate way to know if you are pregnant is through home pregnancy tests easily available from the drugstores. However, these early signs might also help you prepare yourself considering that you will usually have to wait two weeks to take the pregnancy test.


Pay attention to your daily energy levels throughout your daily routine. Fatigue is one of the earliest possible pregnancy signs and is reported as one of the early sign of pregnancy in the first week by many pregnant women.

  • A Missed Period
  • Morning Sickness
  • Tender and Sore Breast
  • Sensitive Nipples
  • Frequent Urination
  • Constipation
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Dizziness or Fainting
  • Heartburn
  • Bloating/Gas
  • Food Cravings and Aversions
  • Weight Gain
  • Rise in Basal Body Temperature
  • Sensitive Sense of Smell
  • Mood Swings
  • Irritability
  • Cramps
  • Spotting
  • Lower Back and leg aches and pains
  • Intense Dreams
  • Increased Cervical Fluid

Pregnancy Discharge

Besides these signs, many women have asked whether discharge is an early sign of pregnancy. But it depends on what kind of discharge are you experiencing. Also known as Leukorrhea, discharge occurs in early pregnancy due to the raised levels of estrogen in the blood and an increased blood flow in the vagina. The discharge helps in maintaining the pH balance and avoid infections. With no smell, doctors consider this as a sign of pregnancy. This specific discharge that women experience during pregnancy has a different texture. It is smooth, thick and stretchy without lumps.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Osteoarthritis Prevention

How Can Osteoarthritis be Prevented?

Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of disability and loss of quality of life in North America. Thus preventing osteoarthritis is crucial for a health and productive society. Today Opinion Leaders of osteoarthritis evaluate osteoarthritis as an avoidable disease. They now regard it as an illness that, like cardiovascular diseases, develops in terms of risk factors, some of which are avoidable.

Preventing osteoarthritis should be analyzed twofold;

  1. Primary prevention
  2. Secondary prevention
Primary and secondary prevention should be emphasized in the management of patients with osteoarthritis. Preventing the unnecessary weight gain and keeping the health weight is crucial to prevent several diseases including osteoarthritis (other diseases includes; hypertension, heart failure, hyperlipidemia etc.. ) Thus maintaining appropriate body weight may be the single most important factor in preventing osteoarthritis from occurring in weight-bearing joints. A relationship has been shown between weight loss and a reduction in the risk of developing osteoarthritis. The role of exercise in the development of osteoarthritis has been difficult to ascertain or a variety of reasons. Results of studies have demonstrated radiographic evidence of osteoarthritis in former athletes. In some of these studies, the symptoms were greater in the athletes than in the control subjects, while in other studies, the athletes were either asymptomatic or had symptoms similar to those of the control subjects.
However, results from case-control and long-term prospective studies of runners have demonstrated that distance running does not increase the risk for osteoarthritis. Nevertheless, it is clear that a history of significant injury, particularly of the knee or hip, is a risk factor for the development of osteoarthritis.  A history of menisectomy is also considered a risk factor; therefore, sports that have a high risk for injury may lead to a greater risk for the development of osteoarthritis. High risk sports include collision sports and those with a high-loading or torsional impact. In general, mild-to-moderate activity is not likely to lead to osteoarthritis in normal joints. People with previous joint injury or surgery, or abnormal joint alignment, are likely to be at a higher risk for developing osteoarthritis. Vitamin D intake may also affect osteoarthritis. Low dietary intake or serum levels of vitamin D are associated with increased rates of progression.

As a summary to prevent osteoarthritis pay attention to the below warnings:


Osteoarthritis Risk Factors

What are the risk factors for osteoarthritis?

Analyzing the risk factors of osteoarthritis from macro perspective it can be said that people who are older than 50 years old,  high bone mineral density, crystals in joint fluid or cartilage, history of immobilization, Injury to the joint, Joint hypermobility or instability, Obesity (weight-bearing joints) Peripheral neuropathy, Prolonged occupational or sports stress carry the risk for osteoarthritis. However analyzing osteoarthritis in detail is a need for both healthcare professionals and general population.
Understanding the risk factors of osteoarthritis is critical for the general population.

There are 3 main risk factor groups for osteoarthritis.

Please find below the given risk factors for osteoarthritis.


  • Age:
    As people age, the risk of osteoarthritis increases. Normally the age does not cause osteoarthritis but represent a risk factor in developing symptoms.  Thus people at older age has a greater rsik exposure.  Usally people older than 50 years old carry the risk of being osteoarthritis.  The majority of the general population  over 60-65 years of age show X-ray evidence of osteoarthritis in the hands. Osteoarthritis may act as a silent disease in which the first appear without symptoms between 30 and 40 years of age and is present in almost everyone by the age of 70.  Symptoms generally appear in middle age. Before the age of 55 it occurs equally in both sexes. However, after 55 it is more common in women
  • Sex:
    Women are more likely to develop osteoarthritis, though it isn't clear why.
  • Race:
    All races can be affected by osteoarthritis, but some Asians have a much lower occurrence of OA of the hip and hand, but a higher occurrence of OA of the knee. More knee OA is seen particularly among Chinese women when compared with North American women, and is independent of weight and anatomical alignment of the lower limbs. The rate of osteoarthritis varies by ethnic group. In the US, Caucasians and African−Americans have higher rates of arthritis than Hispanics or other ethnic groups.
  • Bone deformities:
    Among the general population, some people are born with malformed joints or defective cartilage, which can indicate a higher risk of osteoarthritis for this population.
  • Family history/Genetic:
    This is a well-documented risk factor, with the occurrence of Heberden’s nodes (518-page compilation of the notes of Sir William Heberden, 1710–1801) having almost autosomal dominant inheritance. Despite this strong association, no single gene defect has been identified for all generalized OA. Twin studies now suggest that the heritability component of OA may be as high as 60%–65% for hip and hand OA, and around 40%–50% for knee OA. A genetic defect in the collagen type II gene has been identified in some families with premature onset of severe OA; however, this defect is not found in the wider OA community. Another example includes collagen disturbances such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. In this case A genetic defect may promote breakdown of the protective architecture of cartilage.


  • Injury:
    Joint Injuries, like the ones that people experience when playing sports or from an accident, may enhance the risk of osteoarthritis.
  • Obesity:
    Having extra pound always brings a great pressure to the legs; in other words, carrying more body weight places more stress on your weight-bearing joints, such as your knees. However obesity has also been linked to an increased risk of osteoarthritis in the hands, as well.
  • Occupation:
    Current clinical research has proved that early and severe work related osteoarthritis of hip, knee, and hand has disclosed a pressing need to identify risk factors and develop preventive measures. Thus occupational activity, perhaps through overuse and frequent minor injury, has long been recognized as a risk factor for osteoarthritis. A number of epidemiological studies have shown a consistent association between hip osteoarthritis and farming in men, with agricultural workers who were active for 10 years having double the risk of those working less than 1year. Radiological assessment of the hands of cotton mill workers documented more osteoarthritis than in age matched controls, and linked specific joint sites (eg, distal interphalangeal joint or first carpometacarpal joint) with the nature of the repetitive tasks performed.  The strongest association with occupational activity has been shown with OA of the knee in men. It is estimated that up to 30% of all knee OA is attributable to occupational activity that involves repeated knee bending, kneeling, squatting, or climbing.4 These activities increase the risk two- to fourfold and, if combined with heavy lifting of more than 25 kg on a regular basis, increase risk fivefold.
    • Please find below some occupations in which the risk exposures is high for osteoarthritis:
    • Cleaners
    • Agricultural workers
    • Clothing industry workers
  • Geography:
    Although the average rate of osteoarthritis among older adults in the US is 60%, it can vary widely in certain geographical regions. In the US, the rates in older adults are lowest (34%) in Hawaii and highest (70.3%) in Alabama. In general, the highest prevalence of arthritis in America occurs in the central and northwestern states.
  • Other diseases that affect  the bones and joints:
    • Bone and joint diseases which enhance the risk of  OA includes the below diseases:
    • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
    • Gout
    • Paget's disease of bone
    • Septic arthritis.


These compound the risk, and this is particularly evident with the interactions between occupational knee bending and obesity (risk increased 10–15 times) and between age and injury to the knee.  Risk factors for the development of osteoarthritis include those that predispose individuals to its development and mechanical factors that accelerate its appearance. As noted, advancing age and female gender are two important risk factors. In addition, heredity appears to play a role, particularly in forms of osteoarthritis that affect multiple joints. Signs of osteoarthritis are much more likely to be seen in the identical twin of a patient with osteoarthritis than they are among the general population, for instance.
Obesity is also clearly associated with osteoarthritis of the knee, although its association with osteoarthritis of the hand and hip are less clear. This association appears to be related to increased mechanical loading of the knee joint, although other factors may also play a role.
Mechanical factors which increase the risk for the development of osteoarthritis include joint trauma and repetitive joint use. Repetitive impact loading of specific joints may be due to occupational activities or to sports or leisure activities.

Osteoarthritis Vs Rheumatoid Arthritis

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid are two of the most prevalent forms of arthritis, and knowing the difference between the two is important.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is more prevalent, afflicting numerous people across the globe. Rheumatoid Arthritis is chiefly an inflammatory condition affecting the tissue of the joints. After a while, the inflammation can extend to the major organs of the human body and may even progress into a debilitating condition.

In the past, medical research has tried to discover the cause of this condition, but the specific cause has not been identified. At present, it is speculated that the cause is a genetic factor which predisposes a patient to this disease. Certain environmental factors are also deemed to set off its symptoms.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can be treated with certain drugs, such as NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and DMARDs (disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs), both of which can be prescribed by your doctor. Examples of such drugs are Enbrel, Methotrexate, Celebrax, Arava, among others. While these medications have been proven to be effective, it is also imperative to remember that these drugs will at times cause adverse side effects that can exacerbate rather than improve a patient’s overall condition.

Osteoarthritis (OA)
Osteoarthritis is more common among older people, as OA is caused primarily by joint “wear and tear” triggered by the aging process. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage’s water component rises, whereas its protein component diminishes.

Persistent stress or use of the joints, like being overweight or contracting joint injury, can also cause this condition.  Similarly, certain factors as joint infections, diabetes, pregnancy, hormonal disorders, among others, can bring about osteoarthritis. Treatment can vary from localized injections of hyaluronan and glucocorticoid to surgical joint replacement procedures.

Signs & Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis & Osteoarthritis
Knowing the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis & Osteoarthritis may help you learn the distinction between these two forms of arthritis.

If two sides of the joint are affected, plus there is joint swelling or reddening (i.e. inflammation), it is most probably RA. In such cases, the person usually experiences some fever, fatigue, and a sensation of stiffness throughout the entire body for fifteen minutes or more. Some forms of vasculitis, a condition affecting the veins and arteries, may also develop in response to RA. Further, rheumatoid arthritis patients have greater risk for heart attack or a stroke.

Also prevalent among rheumatoid arthritic sufferers are fibrosis of the lungs and renal amyloidosis. Inflammations of the lungs and the kidney are direct or indirect targets of RA.

On the other hand, osteoarthritis does not affect your body’s major organs. In the majority of cases, OA only develops as a consequence of old age.

It is imperative for arthritic patients to distinguish between these two most common types of arthritis. Knowing which type of arthritis you suffer from will allow you to to get the right treatment for your condition. As always, discussing this with a a qualified physician is recommended for an accurate diagnosis and ensuing treatment. Your physician has the ability to prescribe the appropriate therapy and therefore lead you to recovery. If you feel some side effects from using prescription drugs, contact your doctor at once.

Sunday 6 August 2017

At Home Remedies for Knee Pain

If you are having knees pain, don’t take it easy. It might be caused by one of two reasons either a disease or an injury. However, with age progressing to 45 years and above, people get prone to this disease. Other factors causing this disease include; stress degeneration of tissues, arthritis and obesity. If not treated properly it might take serious and severe condition, hence daily functioning will be effected badly.

A knee pain if ignored might lead you to serious problems. However, to relief the knee pain one has to adapt one of the two ways either go for medication or adapt few home remedies. It is advised to adapt few home remedies before going for medication.

The first home remedy adapted by most of the patient to relief the knee pain is to reduce their weight and join a gym for proper exercises to maintain body weight and shape. It helps relieving knee pain by preventing knees crushing under your increased weight.
 Buying a good pair of shoe that can provide support to your knees in pain, exercising to strengthen your muscles and tendons providing support to your knees can also help relief in knee pain.
Any lotion, which on applying heat might help you relief your pain by producing heat.
Several herbs like ginger, uncaria tomentosa, harpagophytum procumbens can also be used to relief the knee pain.
 A warm paste of castor seeds, turmeric and wheat if mixed with goat’s milk and applied on the affected area can help in reduction of pain.
 By applying warm mustard oil on affected knee can also bring a relief in knee pain. These home remedies are found helpful in reduction of knee pain and they have no or less side effects. So, it’s better to go for home remedies first before going to doctor for medication.

Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common arthritis among Americans, and most of it is in the knee. The purpose of a 1999 study is to show if acupuncture, used with medication, can relieve pain and improve function so patients can be active again.

A licensed acupuncturist places needles in specific body locations, according to Chinese medicine. Then electrical stimulation is used. This triggers a biochemical reaction which is naturally produced by the body. There are twenty four treatments given twice a week; then, after a month, the treatments are given once a week.

The result is 40% improvement of pain and function from patients’ baseline scores. The patients don’t see the results right away. Pain is improved fourteen weeks after treatment, and function is improved eight weeks after treatment. And it has been documented that the relief is short term only.

The patients have reported no side effects from the acupuncture treatments. This proves that acupuncture is a safe treatment.

Andrew Moore, one of the head researchers, has his doubts about the benefits of acupuncture. The results in the clinical study, he contends, were artificial. He ponders the cost-effectiveness and the need for needles.

Nadine E Foster (senior lecturer in therapies in pain management) sees no significant improvement in pain scores. She says that the small benefits and the treatment’s unpleasantness make acupuncture ineffective.

Acne Cleanser

If you state acne you may aspire to regard equally a natural acne remedy being an alternative to harsh prescription medication. The acne cleanser holistic system of looking by acne skin care is by means of the aim of the condition is repeatedly acne cleanser connected to a improved problem. This agency by means of the aim of treating acne naturally is vacant on for added than scarcely putting a not enough on the acne and in suspense by means of the aim of it fancy move made known away.

Your pioneer line of explanation of verdict a natural acne remedy is to make definite by means of the aim of you vex a acne cleanser healthy diet. If you vex the non-discriminatory foods your body fancy state all the nutrients it requirements to commence remedial the acne.

Drinking an passable amount of water is furthermore worthy for the skin and a additional clear-cut event you can acne cleanser regard equally being one of the natural acne cures. Make definite you drink by smallest amount eight cups a generation save for you should consume flat tire added if youre active.

Furthermore make definite its out-and-out water and not coffee, tea, otherwise flat tire juice. Water in truth is the best some time ago it acne cleanser comes to your natural acne remedy plan.

Drinking evident herbal teas can furthermore help amongst remedial acne. Herbs such being burdock rummage though, cruel exasperate, chickweed, and acne cleanser red clover are repeatedly indicated for acne. Consult amongst a doctor and research these plants carefully faster than you flat tire fit up taking them.

At this time are natural topical remedies acne treatment you can find out in health food stores and in other market seats. For justification in top, products by means of the aim of include tea tree smear by means of smear with oil state been known to help acne sufferers. Topical creams by means of the aim of include white willow bark are furthermore acne cleanser second-hand by times as it include natural salicylic acid which is a all-purpose acne remedy.

Thumbs down befall of substance which treatment option you pick made known you should discover made known a doctor so you can get the non-discriminatory diagnosis on you skin condition. For justification in top, a hardly any state may think they state adult acne some time ago its in truth Rosacea which is a diverse condition by means of the acne cleanser requires a separate treatment.

If you aspire to find out the best treatment for acne, natural acne remedyoptions are your best believe. If you move made known this route, its vacant on for added than scarcely putting a not enough on the acne and waiting for it to move made known away. You acne cleanser furthermore may possibly sort out by means of to swap your diet and lifestyle.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Dietary treatment of atopic eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that is linked to the immune system and certain other things like diet, stress and climatic conditions. Yet the main triggers are often thought to be dietary. Eggs, soy, nuts, glutens, processed foods and milk are some common triggers that may cause eczema to flare up. A healthy food that is rich in fruits and vegetables should be consumed by people who are suffering from eczema. Eczema treatment with diet control will have a positive effect on the body.
Since the eczema break-out triggers are different for every individual, it is essential to keep note on all the food products that trigger the condition. The two biggest culprits are sugary food and dairy products. It will take a  month at a time to identify the foods that trigger the condition. It may even take several weeks or months to identify all them. Once the identified, it has to be removed completely from the diet.  Keeping a watch on each and every food that is eaten will help to identify what causes the flareup and eliminate them.

Dairy milk is a trigger for many individuals because of the process called homogenisation. Organic milk are not homogenised and can be used by patients suffering from eczema because the enzymes present in organic milk balances the lactose present in it which is the main source of the cause of the flare up  Avoiding raw milk other than Mothers to children under the age of 2 will also help prevent any eczema break outs. But it is very important to make sure that the child gets enough calcium from some other food source. Baby eczema is such a problem and can cause such distress to both the baby and the Mother and I would advise great care be taken with the feeding of the baby. If in doubt please seek expert advice and particularly that of eczema sufferers themselves.

Processed sugars sometimes may create problem to people because they contribute to the overgrowth of yeast in the body and the immune system will react with a eczema break-out. This problem can be reduced by taking a probiotic supplement and eating foods that contain live micro-organisms that will reduce the yeast in the body and helps improve digestion.

Apples, carrots, spirulina and dark green leafy vegetables are considered to have various health benefits for the skin. The vitamins present in carrot helps in the cell degeneration. Pectin and other antioxidants present in the apples prevent cell damage to the skin. If these diets are included in the daily meal, the eczema flare ups will be reduced considerably.  Spirulina is a sea protein which helps to protect the cells from inflammation and keeps it healthy. Dark green leafy vegetables are also very good for eczema sufferers. Foods that are rich in vitamins that are essential to the skin should be included in the daily diet. They include nuts, fish and foods rich in vitamin C.

Supplements like cod liver oil, mineral supplements and multivitamin supplements are very essential to reduce the damages caused by eczema. These supplements should be taken along with a healthy diet. Also drinking plenty of water cleanses the skin from inside out.
Gluten is found to be an eczema trigger which should be avoided to prevent flare-ups. Avoid overcooking of foods which removes or kills the vitamins and enzymes present in them. Majority of the diet should contain raw foods only.

Eczema treatment with diet control proves to be one of the effective methods in controlling eczema. All these however whilst may be of considerable help must be applied with care and if other treatments are being used with the help of your Physician then please do not stop them or at least seek advice

How Eczema can take its toll on your life

As a person who suffers from eczema I can tell you this condition is something that most who suffer with would agree they could live without. Eczema is a skin condition where the skin has dry itchy patches of skin or rashes that frequently occur. In the most severe cases it can be embarrassing and affect your social life and your self esteem.Eczema is considered an allergic disease.

Eczema is seen very commonly with asthmatic patients and is thought to be cause by unusually clean environments. It has been suggested that eczema occurs from reaction to secretions from household dust mites. The reaction varies from person to person depending on how bad their allergy is. Stress can also be a significant trigger for an eczema outbreak.

In the worse cases of eczema symptoms can include, itchy patches of skin, rashes, blistering, oozing, redness, bleeding, and skin edema or in simpler terms swelling.

Scratching an open sore on your eczema can create a scar or skin discoloration in the healing processed that will take time to go back to normal and in some cases is permanent. Many people with the disease in its worse are embarrassed to go out in public in fear people will treat them badly and stare. This takes a toll on one’s mentality and often leads to depression especially in adolescence.

As far as treatment goes it is a trial and error process to see what works best for your symptoms. There are corticosteroids that are injected or orally taken are best for severe cases of eczema proving to significantly lessen the symptoms of eczema. Though these can bring great improvement to those suffering, there are much like in any other treatment some possible side effects that may not be worth the beneficial value of this treatment. Another simple treatment that can cause some relief are moisturizers which help with the dryness and itching. It’s best to find a moisturizer that is unscented and hasn’t got an oily texture. In some extreme case when eczema does not respond to other treatments immunosuppressant drugs are prescribed. These weaken the immune system and can provide dramatic improvement to symptoms but can take a major toll on ones body. If these are prescribed you will have to be closely monitored by your doctor and have many blood tests to make sure you do not get sick. All treatments for eczema are to treat the symptoms of eczema and give patients relief. There is no known cure for eczema.Drinking plenty of water can have some benefits to your comfort as well.
Eczema can have a variety of triggers such as a food allergy or even environmentally like previously stated. It is important that if you have severe cases of eczema outbreak that you take note to anything you may have changed such as laundry detergent, a new good, or a new place and discuss this with your doctor.

Though Eczema can not be cured it can be treated even in its most severe state.

What is Dishydrotic Eczema?

Dishydrotic eczema is just one of the ten types of eczema that is known to us, which causes continuous blisters on the hands and feet. Dishydrotic eczema is one of very uncommon types of eczema. It starts over the sides of the fingers as itchy red bumps and then develops into a rash. The hands may be  itchy and have scaly patches on it. The condition may become severe and cause reddish, cracked and very painful. It may even worsen because of the blisters weeping. This condition may occur to any individual in their life time, but some people are more prone to this attack.

Dishydrotic eczema can also be found occurring with babies and young children where it can be found behind the sears or in the creases of the arm and leg. It is believed that you are most likely to suffer if a a parent has suffered from it thus it is hereditary. It is also believd that bottle fed babies are more likely to be sufferers than breast fed babies.
Who can get Dishydrotic eczema?

It has been found that sufferers of this unpleasant complaint are just as likely to be either men or women. It is more common in warmer climates and sweating is thought to be a cause. Other causes are known to be stress, allergies such as  hayfever sufferers and you work with certain compounds such as chromium cobalt and nickel.


A doctor will often be able to diagnose this condition just by looking at the skin. Its symptoms however could be confused with a fungal infection such as Athletes foot and Doctors will often carry out a skin biopsy.

If the Doctor thinks it could be an allergy then he may also wish to carrry out a test for allergies, usually with a patch.


Ointments and creams are recommended such as Vaseline and some Doctors may recommend Zinc Oxide Ointment. Creams such as Lucerin and Lubriderm may also be useful. Personally I have always preferred creams to ointments. Always apply after getting the affected area wet and in any event 2 or 3 times daily.

The Doctor may also prescribe Cortisone in the form of a cream or in tablet form for severe symptoms. Coal tar and Ultaviolet light therapy may also be prescribed for severe attacks.


It is important to try to avoid scratching when the skin is itchy as this will worsen the condition. Medication to help reduce itching may be prescribed such as Benydryl and Claritin.

Other complications can be bacterial skin infections which need treating if they occur.


There is no definitive cure but the symptoms may go away for long periods only for an episode to recur at some time.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

At Home Remedies for Knee Pain

If you are having knees pain, don’t take it easy. It might be caused by one of two reasons either a disease or an injury. However, with age progressing to 45 years and above, people get prone to this disease. Other factors causing this disease include; stress degeneration of tissues, arthritis and obesity. If not treated properly it might take serious and severe condition, hence daily functioning will be effected badly.

A knee pain if ignored might lead you to serious problems. However, to relief the knee pain one has to adapt one of the two ways either go for medication or adapt few home remedies. It is advised to adapt few home remedies before going for medication.

The first home remedy adapted by most of the patient to relief the knee pain is to reduce their weight and join a gym for proper exercises to maintain body weight and shape. It helps relieving knee pain by preventing knees crushing under your increased weight.
 Buying a good pair of shoe that can provide support to your knees in pain, exercising to strengthen your muscles and tendons providing support to your knees can also help relief in knee pain.
Any lotion, which on applying heat might help you relief your pain by producing heat.
Several herbs like ginger, uncaria tomentosa, harpagophytum procumbens can also be used to relief the knee pain.
 A warm paste of castor seeds, turmeric and wheat if mixed with goat’s milk and applied on the affected area can help in reduction of pain.
 By applying warm mustard oil on affected knee can also bring a relief in knee pain. These home remedies are found helpful in reduction of knee pain and they have no or less side effects. So, it’s better to go for home remedies first before going to doctor for medication.